
Who is Ed Youngblood?

Among other things, I’m a B2B technology marketing and communications veteran. I am fluent in digital and numerous other marketing dialects including technologist, engineer, creative, demand creation, sales and metrics.

While business leaders appreciate my skill-sets, they often care more about the digital disruption of business, sales and complex digital transformation initiatives. These are challenges I’m intimate with, particularly:

  • Digital disruption and the technologies of influence. More importantly, how to convert these into marketing advantage, pipeline and sales.
  • The intersection of technology and people – your digital audience – and how to sustainably reach, persuade and engage them.
  • How to optimize digital marketing operations and customer experiences to grow brand and revenue.

This is what I do today; these are the dots I connect.  Let’s connect if you share a similar passion – or concern – for the impact digital is having on your business.

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