BCBSAZ Case Summaries

Integrated Pharmacy Sales Story

GOAL: Create a comprehensive go-to-market story for BCBSAZ sales teams that demonstrates the improved outcomes and reduced costs that result when pharmacy is integrated into healthcare plans.

WHY: Bundled pharmacy was identified as a strategic priority by BCBSAZ. Pharmacy carve-in vs. carve-out is a common decision choice in healthcare benefit plans.  Studies show that integration tends to lower costs, and also demonstrate that pharmacy integration leads to more coordinated care and better outcomes.

HOW:  A well researched and positioned BCBSAZ pharmacy presentation was researched, scripted, and prepared for sales.  We identified pharmacy’s impact to the total cost of care and clearly articulated BCBSAZ’s approach to managing pharmacy and member care.  The comprehensive story and data points were then scaled into a strategy guide paper, infographic, Rx Overview Guide, social media content.

ABC’s of Pharmacy

GOAL: Design a set of informational flyers of to inform members how to save money and manage medications safely.

WHY: BCBSAZs’ orginal request for flyers in response to client requests for open enrollment support and employee information.

We then recommended that they approach this project as a scalable multiple media content series, inclusive of the flyers for high efficiency while multiplying opportunities for distribution.

HOW: The ABCs of Pharmacy became “A consumer-focused information series created to inform consumers and improve health experiences and outcomes.” Member focused, the content scaled easily for multi-channel message distribution because we engineered derivative distribution plans into the program.

RFP Finalist Presentations and Executive Summaries

GOAL: Clearly and memorably articulate how BCBSAZ understands, meets and exceeds the expectations of clients and members alike.

WHY: Healthcare benefit plans are complex. It is difficult for some decision-makers to total value beyond the total benefit plan cost. And the cost of changing providers can be compounded by the impact of change for administrators and members.

HOW: Memorably address client priorities directly, clearly, and with clear advantage demonstrated.  Present the solutions in clear context of their issues and concerns.

RFP Executive Summary System

GOAL: Design an impactful, modular and customizable RFP Executive Summary document system for RFP submissions and finalist presentations.

WHY: Standing out from the competition to executive level decision makers means being able to communicate clearly, with context to the things they care about most.

HOW:  A list of BCBSAZ solutions and product summaries were prioritized, positioned and developed into a consistent copy block-size with simple visuals.

A master library of solution summaries enables easy replacement and reorganization of content. Universal search and replace was designed into the system to allow easy customization of names and industries. The outcome is a very scalable and flexible template system.